Daily Archives: July 2, 2009

Maker’s Market at Socrates Sculpture Park

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The humidity and mud did nothing to diminish the pull of the Maker’s Market in Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens this weekend. There were three tents chock full of a fantastic variety of furniture, glassware, ceramics, jewellery, textiles and art curated by R20th Century, America Craft magazine, the Isamu Noguchi Museum and ReadyMade Design.

I admit: I was overwhelmed. I got triggerhappy with the old camera, which died on me four booths from the end. Here’s what I saw, sans commentary. 

From R 20th Century, glassware by Jeff Zimmerman, robot figures by Rusti D. (Deimos), and soft scultpure toys by Renate Müller:

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Hope Ginsburg/Sponge (that’s her talking to the lady with the psychedelic blouse):

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Esque Studio:

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 Produce Design:

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 Jewelry by Eric Silva:

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 Spring Gallery:

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 Sanam Emami:

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 Thaddeus Wolfe Glass:

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Elyse Allen Textiles:

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I think my most favorite thing was the stool by Hivemindesign. It is made from reclaimed and salvaged wood and the elements can be taken apart and stacked any way you want.

What was yours?